You'll never beat the irish ;)

  • T'was in the merry month of June, from our home we started,
    Left old Eireann's Isle, to Poland we departed,
    Hope within our hearts, we can win the trophy,
    We are all a part of Trapattoni's army,
    Get behind the team, hear the Irish scream,
    C'mon you boys in green, Ireland's bouncing back again,
    We have got our Trap, the cat is in the sack,
    We'll not forget you Jack, On the rocky road to Poland.

    One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
    Irish eyes are smiling,
    Let your voices ring
    Trapattoni's army,
    Everybody sing.

    You'll never beat the Irish

    Make your mother proud, inflate your plastic hammer,
    Bate your bodhrán loud and learn your Polish grammar,
    Credit Union loan, sold the Opel Corsa,
    Hired a camper van, picked it up in Warsaw,
    Been so close before, hopes slammed in the door,
    Now we're back for more, we can win the battle,
    C'mon you boys in green, never have we seen,
    Such a fearless team, on the rocky road to Poland.

    One, Two, Three, Four, Five,
    Irish eyes are smiling,
    Let your voices ring
    Trapattoni's army,
    Everybody sing.

    You'll never beat the Irish

    Ireland Abú. We love.

    EDIT by funnysunny: Thema ins Gedichte-Foum verschoben.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von funnysunny (9. Mai 2012 um 14:36)